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Is London still the World’s Global Financial Centre?
Firms in the UK give us an update.
Is Cyprus an alternative destination for Londoners?
Agenda (UK Time):

14:00 : Introduction

By Savvas Kyriakides, Founder & President of Great Britain-Cyprus Business Association


14:10: 10 Inbound to the UK in 2011 compared to post Brexit 2021 and what is coming in 2022

Speaker: Stephen Coleclough, Principal at Caesium International, London, UK


14:25: The implications of relocation to the UK.

Speaker: Alessia Paoletto, Private client (Tax) Lawyer at Withersworldwide


14:40: The impact of Brexit on the enforcement of judgements between Cyprus and the EU and what are the alternatives.
Speaker: Eleni Polycarpou, Partner, Co-Head of International Arbitration at Withersworldwide


14:55: UK companies relocating in Cyprus – tax benefits.

Speaker: Maria Georgiou, Chief Financial Officer at M. Kyprianou Accounting Services Limited

15:10: An overview of Cyprus companies: characteristics and requirements

Speaker: Xenia Neophytou, Director at C.X. Financia Ltd


15:30 – 16:00 Q & A Time:

The last half an hour has been provided to attendees to raise their questions to the speakers

Moving closer to the "New normal"
How ready are we?
What changes we should expect
Agenda (UK Time):

14:00 : Introduction

By Savvas Kyriakides, Founder & President of Great Britain-Cyprus Business Association


14:10 "Cyprus Tourism: The restart"

Speaker: Philokypros Roussounides, Director General of Cyprus Hotel Association


14:25: “Permanent Residency Permit – New Investment Criteria”

Speaker: Natalie Petrides, Partner at KINANIS LLC


14:40: “Cyprus as a destination for headquarter establishment and relocation & the new investment criteria for acquisition of permanent residency”
Speaker: Giorgos Avraamides, Partner, Head of Legal at Pelaghias, Christodoulou, Vrachas LLC


14:55: “Cyprus International Trusts: A Legacy for Generations”

Speaker: Nicky Xenofontos, Lawyer, Managing Director of N. Xenofontos LLC

15:10: “Cyprus Funds and Fund Managers explained”

Speaker: Xenia Neophytou, Director at C.X. Financia Ltd


15:30 – 16:00 Q & A Time:

The last half an hour has been provided to attendees to raise their questions to the speakers

Cyprus and United Kingdom:
The promising Lands?
Services and Opportunities
Agenda (UK Time):

14:00 : Introduction

By Savvas Kyriakides, Founder & President of Great Britain-Cyprus Business Association


14:05 "Welcome Speech"

Speaker: Natasa Pilides, Minister of Energy, Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Cyprus


14:15 :  “Real Estate Investment Opportunities in Cyprus & UK”


Speaker: Dr George Mountis, Managing Partner, Delfi Partners & Company


14:30 : "‘Cyprus – Great Britain business relations post Brexit: Divorce or long-distance relationship?"

Speaker: Andrea Kallis, Partner at Elias Neocleous & Co. LLC


14:45 : “Overview of Cyprus Banking - Efficiency in a stricter regulatory environment”


Speaker: Michalis Michael, Head of International Banking Unit (IBU), AstroBank


15:00 : "Banking Service UK & General information about UK Companies"


Speaker: Stella Zenios, Exsus Croup, Executive Director, Exsus International Ltd (Part of the Exsus Group)


15:10 : “An overview of the requirements for UK companies, both in terms of corporate and tax requirements in the UK”

Speakers: Nik Shah – Tax Partner Alex Chrysaphiades – Audit & Accounts Partner


15:20: “Cyprus Financial Services Industry and Post-Brexit Implications and Opportunities”

Speaker: Xenia Neophytou, Director at C.X. Financia Ltd


15:30 – 16:00 Q & A Time:

The last half an hour has been provided to attendees to raise their questions to the speakers

Is Cyprus the perfect place for Relocation, investment, or retirement?
Agenda (UK Time):

14:00 – 14:10 : Introduction


14:10 :  “Welcome Speech”


Speaker: Andreas Kakouris, High Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus in the UK


14:20 : "Cyprus remains a reputable international business centre’ "


Speaker: Philippos Raptopoulos, EY Cyprus, Partner - Tax and Law Leader


14:30 : “IP Box Regime about individuals/companies who wish to relocate to Cyprus and continue their business through EU”


Speaker: Charalambos Meivatzis, Partner, Head of Tax, Accounting and VAT, Kinanis LLC


14:40 : "Cypriot Citizenship:  Cypriots that have Immigrated to the UK are still eligible for a Cypriot Passport"


Speaker: Savvas Savvides, Partner at Michael Kyprianou & Co. LLC


14:50 : “CYPRUS – An attractive property destination”

Speaker: Antonis Pisharas, Overseas Business Development and Sales Executive


15:00 – 15:30: Q & A Time:

The last half an hour has been provided to attendees to raise their questions to the speakers

Market overview and New laws for 2021
Agenda (UK Time):

14:00 – 14:10 : Introduction


14:10 :  “Welcome Speech”


Speaker: Andreas Kyprianou, Member of Cyprus House of Representatives, Chairman of the House Standing Committee on Energy, Trade, Industry and Tourism


14:20 : "Cyprus Property Market Overview – Investment Opportunities"


Speaker: Nicolas Karoullas, CEO at KARMA Group, Cyprus


14:30 : “UK Property Market Overview”


Speaker: Panicos Loizides, Director at QUEST Property Consultants, UK


14:40 : ‘‘Brexit, IP, UK and Cyprus’’


Speaker: Nick Kounoupias, CEO & Founder at Kounoupias I P


14:50 : “GDPR and Brexit – What changes for UK businesses processing personal data?


Speaker: Alexandra Kokkinou, Advocate at Tassos Papadopoulos & Associates LLC



15:00 – 15:30: Q & A Time:

The last half an hour has been provided to attendees to raise their questions to the speakers

2021 is around the corner
Agenda (UK Time):

14:00 – 14:10 : Introduction

By Savvas Kyriakides, Founder & President of Great Britain-Cyprus Business Association


14:10:  Welcome Speech


Speaker: Photis Photiou, Presidential Commissioner of the Republic of Cyprus


14:20 : '’Cyprus remains a reputable international business centre’’'


Speaker: Philippos Raptopoulos, Partner - Tax and Law Leader, EY Cyprus


14:30 : “First and Second Lockdown UK Real Estate Market Trends”


Speaker: George Constant, Partner at Spector Constant & Williams


14:40 : "The Cyprus Non-Domicile tax regime for individuals"


Speaker: Petros Rialas, Director, Head of Tax at Totalserve Management Ltd


14:50 : “2021 is around the corner and Cyprus rises stronger”


Speaker: Christakis Christodoulou, Inland Sales Manager at Aristo Developers


15:00 – 15:30: Q & A Time:

The last half an hour has been provided to attendees to raise their questions to the speakers

Buying or Relocating to Cyprus?
Agenda (UK Time):

14:00 – 14:10 : Introduction


14:10:  Cyprus; a closer look


Speaker: Vassiliki Anastasiadou, Ex Minister of Transports, Communications and Works of The Republic of Cyprus.


14:20 : 'How to avoid pitfalls when purchasing in property in Cyprus'


Speaker: Giovanis Kouzalis, CEO at G. Kouzalis LLC


14:30 : ‘The tax incentives for both individuals and legal entities with respect to relocating to Cyprus’


Speaker: Charalambos Meivatzis, Partner, Head of Tax, Accounting and VAT at KINANIS LLC


14:40 : 'Relocation, holiday homes and living in Cyprus' – “Domenica Group, your Cyprus home provider since 1961’’


Speaker: Panagiotis Vladimirou, Business Development Manager at Domenica Group


14:50 : Alternative Investments


Speaker: Xenia Neophytou, Director at C.X.Financia Ltd


15:00 – 15:30: Q & A Time:

The last half an hour has been provided to attendees to raise their questions to the speakers

The Day After Brexit
Agenda (UK Time):

14:00 – 14:10 : Introduction


14:10 :  The transformation of the Cyprus Investment Programme (CIP) and the way to the Cyprus Residency’


Speaker: Savvas Savvides, Director-Partner at

Michael Kyprianou & Co., Cyprus.


14:20 : Brexit – some facts, plus a little bit of opinion


Speaker: Stephen Coleclough, owner and principal –

International Tax adviser

Caesium International LLP, UK.


14:30 : Benefits of living in Cyprus - General introduction to Korantina Homes and the lifestyle of Cyprus


Speaker: Raj Brar, Business Development Manager at

KORANTINA Homes, Cyprus.


14:40 : Alternative Banking Solutions for EU & UK companies in the UK


Speaker: Stella Zenios, Executive Director, Exsus International, Member of Exsus Group, Cyprus & UK.


14:50 : Brexit – how ready are you?


Speaker: Alexander Chrysaphiades, FCA, Partner at

Adler Shine LLP, UK.



15:00 – 15:30: Q & A Time:

The last half an hour has been provided to attendees to raise their questions to the speakers

The events were organised by
Great Britain-Cyprus Business Association
Great Britain-Cyprus Business Associatio

The name of the organisation is “Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association”.



The principle objectives of Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association shall be to:

a) Provide support and promote the business interests of each member of Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association with a view to mutual financial benefit.

  1. Provide a setting from where the Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association members can network with a view to increasing their business opportunities, by working with other members, to raise: Business opportunities for our members.

  • Raise issues of relevance for general discussion.

  • Promote ideas on how to expand the association and improve methods.

  • Values of relationships.

  • Generally, network in a business and social setting.

c) Act as an umbrella organization for all its members and where necessary, to make appropriate representations to various bodies and/or authorities for and on behalf of its member(s).

d) We are a non-political organisation and have no political affiliation to any political or municipal movement within the UK or Cyprus. Though we may discuss, talk to or report features regarding any political or municipal authorities we do not promote or endorse their views. We are not sponsored or backed by any political or municipal authorities and depend wholly on sponsorship, membership fees and fund-raising activities.

f) To encourage the membership to work together in the spirit of Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association’s objectives; and abide by a code of conduct to provide quality services and high standards.



a) Membership of Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association shall be composed of independent companies and/or individuals engaged in business and shall be properly established as a legal and bona fide entity.

b) Each member of Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association must always possess display and exercise a sense of camaraderie, to be clearly manifested by actively promoting, exercising and/or displaying professional, united and friendly co-operation between members.

c) Members of Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association agree to behave in a fair, business-like manner with proper administration and within the spirit of mission statement and ethos, whether express or implied.  Each member must have as part of their standard procedure, the practice of providing their clients with a clear copy of their standard written terms and conditions and/or a written agreement with the client(s), prior to the commencement of business.   

d) Members shall be committed to Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association’s objectives to fully agree to; work as a team, encourage networking, so that business leads are properly nurtured and developed for members’ mutual benefit to assist in financially securing members’ futures.

e) Members must display a positive mental attitude, be able to accept constructive criticism and genuinely aspire to work as a member of the Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association team; with the ultimate aim of mutual financial benefit, with exercise at all times of friendship, fun and camaraderie, in the process.

f) Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association and its individual members are at liberty to cancel their individual membership without notice as the relationship between the member(s) and Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association is strictly voluntary. Membership fees will not be refundable.

g) Any business agreements between members of Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association must be in writing to safeguard intentions otherwise any misunderstandings may cause serious issues that the association would not wish to be involved in and consequently, one or both members may have their membership revoked at the discretion of the association committee; all members are expected to work together, co-operate for their own good and that of all members.

h) No member of Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association shall be held accountable and/or responsible for any other member’s accountability and/or liability, arising from another Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association member(s) actions or omissions; as each member is an independent legal entity in their own right and without any collective and/or inferred liability being assumed by Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association and/or any other member, not being a party to the particular agreement from which the question of liability may arise, whatsoever and/or howsoever arising, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

i) All members must make their own decisions and carry out all due diligence enquiries, independently of Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association  in respect of all dealings between themselves, as Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association does not accept any responsibility for any agreement or contract or otherwise carried by any other party (irrespective of whether they are Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association members or not), unless the association has expressly agreed and/or is expressly party to any agreement. It must therefore not be implied or considered that any member of Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association should enter in any agreement with any member simply based on their membership or other association with Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association

j) All members are expected to provide the best quality service, whereby we have set out the minimum standard expected, which can be best described as a Service Level Agreement, which together with actions that are in the spirit of sustaining a high standard should help secure work and inspire confidence in receiving recommendations, all members must therefore agree to the following:- i) Carry the required and valid Public Liability Insurance (if applicable), and Professional Indemnity Insurance (where applicable). It is up to members to check that any other member that they may have dealings with, carry the appropriate current Insurance policies relating to any potential contractual agreements. ii) Carry the required and valid Professional or registration Certificates in connection with the relevant trade bodies; iii) Provide transparency by giving written costs estimates/quotes.  Any extra work also to be agreed in writing. iv) Ensure that the strictest confidentiality is maintained with all matters of work carried out in line with “Data Protection Act” and “GDRP”  and where necessary, comply with Non Circumvention and Non-disclosure agreement; v) Comply with the Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association Constitution and the spirit of the Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association concept: and  vi) Ensure as a part of standard procedure, that clients are provided with your company standard Terms & Conditions and/or other written agreement with the clients, prior to the commitment of business.



In a few words our activities are:

  • promoting networking

  • Introducing your company to our Members and Associates in Cyprus and UK provided that we have your permission

  • organising business International Events and webinars in London, Cyprus and around Europe, promoting Cyprus as the perfect place to buy and invest as well as the UK as a global Financial centre.

  • promoting businesses in the UK and Cyprus mainly in UK and Cyprus but also worldwide.

  • organising Roadshows

  • publishing our e-newspaper monthly

  • providing you with information from UK and Cyprus


Many Big Firms in Cyprus and UK have already joined us.


If you would like to become a member of our Association, the annual fee is £250.00.



  1. We upload your logo, with direct link to website immediately, on our website page , including a short description of your company, at the bottom of your logo (Max: 25 words).

  2. A full A4 page advert in the next issue of the e-newspaper, once a year.

  3. You are entitled to up to one article monthly to be included in our e-newspaper,    
    You will receive by email our monthly e-newspaper. As a member, you will be invited very often for an interview or to participate on our questionnaire.

  4. You will have the opportunity to be voted as a member of the Board as soon as we have our annual meeting which will be announced after the end of the pandemic and the lock down.

  5. You will be entitled to special discount or upgrades of your sponsorship during International events. Visit

  6. You will also have priority as regards participation as speaker or panellist at our International events.

  7. You will also have priority as regards participation as speaker or panellist a t our International webinars. Please have a look at our recent and upcoming webinars by webinars by visiting  

  8. We will introduce you to our members as well as to businesses you want to reach either in the UK or in Cyprus. My personal contacts in the UK and Cyprus are Law Firms with Immigration services, Big Accounting Firms, Financial Institutions, Real Estate Agents, Developers, Investing Groups, Food & Drink Suppliers, Importers and Retailers, wealthy individuals and much more.

  9. We ask you to tell us which businesses you are interested to contact directly, and we introduce you to the top management or the right person you are looking for.

  10. If you organise an event or a seminar or a webinar and you want us to promote it to our members and thousands of associates, we will be glad to do it. We can also organise an event in Association with you. 



  • Membership is paid on an annual basis and the start date is from your payment has cleared in our account. The duration is for 365 days (including the date of payment cleared) thereafter.

  • The annual fee is £250.00 (sterling) and is non-refundable.

  • Your company must be clear of any County Court Judgements (UK) or the equivalent in Cyprus.

  • Your company must be clear of any criminal or fraudulent activities.

  • Your fee must be deposited in our account.

  • Two Sponsorship packages are also available upon request.



On behalf of the Association


Savvas Kyriakides

Founder & President

Great Britain – Cyprus Business Association

Great Britain - Cyprus Business Association
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